Being The Worst

Episode 34 – Model View Who?

Episode Summary

This episode is the second of a three part series on client-side development. Kerry and Rinat discuss the changes that were made to the sample’s WinForms client to make it easier to add new features. They review the three main contexts in their GTD sample, the benefits of passing around immutable state, and dig into graphical user interface architectures like MVC and MVVM. This sets them up for the next episode where they apply MVVM to the sample’s cross-platform mobile application.

Episode Notes

This episode is the second of a three part series on client-side development. Kerry and Rinat discuss the changes that were made to the sample’s WinForms client to make it easier to add new features. They review the three main contexts in their GTD sample, the benefits of passing around immutable state, and dig into graphical user interface architectures like MVC and MVVM. This sets them up for the next episode where they apply MVVM to the sample’s cross-platform mobile application. (41 minutes)

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